Drama Studio
3D animation for education made easy!
What our users think of Drama Studio:
“Drama Studio deserves to be purchased and used as part of a varied teaching for both large and small tasks. You can use the universe in native language education, but why not use it in [other] language subjects? It is a great opportunity to get students to use both their language and creative skills in a new way.” – Anne Skovmark Folkeskolen.dk
Read the full review (in Danish): https://www.folkeskolen.dk/
“Drama Studio is a fun game. Very Unique. I’ve never seen games do anything like it!”
Thorbjørn, 9. grade
“I have a boy with a suspected autism disorder in one of the classes I introduced to Drama Studio last week. He is fully engrossed and has been working focused on his assignments for two whole lessons.
Usually, he is difficult to maintain and requires 1:1 tuition. But not when using Drama Studio.”
Sandra Carstensen, elementary school teacher
“I would definitely use Drama Studio in my spare time!”
Felix, 9. grade
“We experienced that everyone was involved and spent a long time working on the project. We have students who find it challenging to participate orally in teaching and students who may have difficulty expressing themselves in writing. All students had both lines and an action plan written and the students, who normally find it difficult to say anything in class, were given the opportunity to express themselves in writing and thus expressed their opinion” – Heidi Maria Guldborg, pedagogue
“There are so many things you can do. You kind of forget you’re in school”
Ida, 4’th grade
“This opens access for some, that would never write a story, to create something … dare I say Art?”
Andreas Miller, Teacher, Østerskov Efterskole
“Classes are so much more fun. It’s much better than doing (regular) tasks”
Laurits, 2nd grade
“I think it is really easy to use Drama Studio. It is fun and you become creative”
Sofia 6’th grade